Sara Midtskogen Haave
Sara Midtskogen Haave (2000) is currently studying a B.A. in Scenography at the Norwegian Theatre Academy. She has a background in acting and studied fine arts at Einar Granum Kunstfagskole in Oslo. During her art studies, she had her first exhibition in 2021 at Galleri Vekta (NO). Together with her earlier theater group she presented on stages such as Drammen Teater (NO), Det Norske Teater (NO) and Union Scene (NO). She has performed at the Prague Quadrennial with Olga Regitze and at The Norwegian National Museum with Hans Edward Hammonds. She has also been a part of the DEMO art collective where she co-curated "Startrom" at Buskerud Kunstsenter (NO), an exhibition for young debuting artists.
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Sara Midtskogen Haave (2000) is currently studying Scenography at the Norwegian Theatre Academy. She has a background in acting and studied fine arts at Einar Granum Kunstfagskole in Oslo.