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The Nether (Die Netzwelt)

By Jennifer Haley
German translation by Michael Duszat
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Currently no performances

In order to counteract the total loss of inhibitions on the internet, an agency has taken on the task of investigating particularly suspect cases and examining the increasingly blurred lines between the virtual and the real. Because more and more people are withdrawing into the so-called "Nether", leaving their life in this world behind in the search of freedom. In the course of her investigation, Detective Morris comes across a domain where users can live out their paedophile inclinations in the virtual realm. A transgression? After all, it’s only images, only emotions – and they aren’t real. Or are they? What exactly is reality? In her crime drama Die Netzwelt (The Nether), US-American author Jennifer Haley negotiates the moral dilemmas that we face in our increasingly engineered lives.


We regularly present performances of "The Nether" with English surtitles. You can find the dates here. Our box office staff will be happy to tell you from which seats you will have a good sight-line to the surtitles. For the best view of both stage and surtitles, we recommend seats in the stalls (Parkett) from row 11, or in the balconies (1. Rang, 2. Rang). Seats in the side boxes have a partially obstructed view.

<p>"Regisseur Max Lindemann, Jahrgang 1989, konzentriert sich in seiner Inszenierung auf den argumentativen Schlagabtausch – und das Ensemble liefert ab. Allen voran Nico Holonics als schlauer, leicht schmieriger Mr. Sims im Psycho-Duell mit Kathrin Wehlisch als tough wirkende Ermittlerin mit brüchiger Fassade."</p>Berliner Morgenpost

<p>"Die&nbsp;moralischen Dilemmata der Technisierung unseres Alltags – ein sehr aktuelles Stück."</p>Kulturnews


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