Marc Oliver Schulze
Marc Oliver Schulze studied at the Otto Falckenberg School in Munich. After his first engagement in 2000 at the Münchner Kammerspiele, he went on to the Residenztheater Munich and the Schauspielhaus Bochum, until Oliver Reese brought him to Frankfurt in 2009. He has worked with Dieter Dorn, Thomas Langhoff, Jan Bosse, Michael Thalheimer, Andreas Kriegenburg, Stefan Pucher and Falk Richter, among others. From 2013 on he worked freelance and in addition to theater, he also worked for television and as a voiceover artist. At BE he has already appeared as a guest in "Medea" and "The Reunification of the Two Koreas". Since the 2019/20 season Marc Oliver Schulze has been part of the Berliner Ensemble.
10117 Berlin Contact & Access
+49 30 284 08 155theaterkasse@berliner-ensemble.de
Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.