Corinna Kirchhoff

Corinna Kirchhoff studied acting at Max-Reinhardt-Schule für Schauspielkunst in Berlin. She made her theatre debut at Schaubühne Berlin with Peter Stein. In 1984 she received the O.-E.-Hasse-Preis and she was voted “Actress of the Year” by the trade journal “Theater heute” in 1996. She has appeared at the Vienna Burgtheater, Schauspielhaus Zürich, Salzburger Festspiele, Schaubühne Berlin, Berliner Ensemble and others, working with directors like Andrea Breth, Peter Stein and Jürgen Gosch. Beside her theatre work, she can regularly be seen in film and television. She was a member of the acting company of Schauspiel Frankfurt from 2015 and joined Berliner Ensemble in 2017/18.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für alle Vorstellungen im März bis 6. April läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Latest productions

Einsame Menschen Von Felicia Zeller nach Gerhart Hauptmann

as Erika

Chronik der Revolution By Alireza Daryanavard and Mahsa Ghafari

Kein Statement! Spielen! Corinna Kirchhoff

Past productions

Eine Familie (August: Osage County) by Tracy Letts as Violet Weston

Nichts von mir (Nothing of Me) by Arne Lygre

Der Gott des Gemetzels (The God of Carnage) by Yasmina Reza as Annette Reille

Die Wiedervereinigung der beiden Koreas (The Reunification of the two Koreas) by Joël Pommerat

Eine Frau - Mary Page Marlowe by Tracy Letts as Mary Page Marlowe mit 59, 63, 69 Jahren

Die Verdammten (the damned) Based on the film by Luchino Visconti as Baronin Sophie von Essenbeck

Gleichheit in der Kunst?

Der letzte Gast (The final guest) By Árpád Schilling and Éva Zabezsinszkij

Mütter und Söhne by Karen Breece

Gespenster (Ghosts) by Henrik Ibsen as Frau Helene Alving

wagner - der ring des nibelungen recomposed by Thomas Köck as Wotan

Hexenjagd (The Crucible) German Translation by Hannelene Limpach and Dietrich Hilsdorf, Collaboration: Alexander F. Hoffmann as Rebecca Nurse

Ich hab die Nacht geträumet By Andrea Breth


Peter Moltzen

Jannik Mühlenweg

Constanze Becker

Veit Schubert

Maeve Metelka

Max Gindorff

Max Gindorff

Lili Epply

Maximilian Diehle

Gabriel Schneider

Gabriel Schneider

Pauline Knof