Die Entführung Europas

A Crime Noir by Alexander Eisenach
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Currently no performances

Author-investigator Max Messer is suffering from writer’s block. So the assignment to solve a case of kidnapping couldn’t come at a better time. But there is far more at stake. Because the missing woman is not only in a relationship with the boss of a powerful syndicate, but her name – nomen est omen – is Europa. Along with the character of Max Messer, the play sets out to find the traces of playwright Heiner Müller (1929 – 1995), who created a radio play under this pseudonym in 1961. Against the panorama of his dark diagnoses, this furious detective story explores what needs to happen if Europe is to have a future. Alexander Eisenach has been directing his own texts and those by other authors. In 2017, he received the Kurt-Hübner-Regiepreis for young directors.

Das Herz der Finsternis schlägt noch. Alexander Eisenach


“It is fun to follow these leaps of ideas and genres for 90 minutes – and to consider the future of Europe in the process.”RBB Inforadio

“The dentist is the fang and the main suspect in a bold and truly very witty story, told in the manner of a crime noir.”Süddeutsche Zeitung