© Antonia Breidenbach
Timo Stacey
Timo Stacey studied acting, singing and dance at the Berlin University of the Arts (graduating in 2020). Already during his studies, his first engagements took him, for example, to the Chemnitz Opera House and the Neukölln Opera. There he played "Tropi" in the world premiere of DRACHENHERZ (Peter Lund, Mathias Noack). This was followed by engagements as "Petrus" in JESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR and "Tony" in SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER (Iris Limbarth). Most recently he was seen as "Bobby + Two Ladies" in CABARET (Tom Gerber) at the Staatstheater Wiesbaden.
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10117 Berlin Contact & Access
10117 Berlin Contact & Access
+49 30 284 08 155theaterkasse@berliner-ensemble.de
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