Guided tour behind the scenes in english

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Kontakt & Anfahrt


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den Mai bis einschließlich den 9. Juni beginnt am 3. April um 10 Uhr! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Are you interested in taking a look behind the scenes of the Berliner Ensemble? A chance to see what happens backstage, in the costume and props department and below stage, to bring the performances you see to life. We offer guided tours in English that take you behind the scenes and provide insight into the many different departments of the theatre. They take approximately one hour, cost €8 (reduced price €5) and can be purchased directly at our theatre box office or online.

Please note that there is only limited seating capacity for these tours. Please enquire in advance by phone if the tour is already sold out.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1,
10117 Berlin
Monday to Saturday 10.00 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.

Telefon 030/284-08-155
Fax 030/284-08-115

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