Experiences of motherhood seldom match with the image conveyed by our culture and language. The ideal, unselfishly caring, endlessly patient and, what is more, happy mother – of course she doesn’t exist. Instead, motherhood becomes society’s predetermined breaking point: When mothers are still required to be unconditional carers – and yet the labour market can’t do without them. When the efforts of motherhood remain invisible, when it not only costs you an arm and a leg but also your eligibility for pension payments. And finally, when a new generation of women decide against motherhood. "#Motherfuckinghood" is a collage about experiences of being a mother. A show about work and care work, about feminism and sons, about motherhood and art.
Company member Claude de Demo initiated the project and proposed it to director Jorinde Dröse. Dröse has staged plays at theatres including Thalia Theater, Maxim Gorki Theater, Schauspiel Frankfurt and Staatstheater Hannover. Additionally, she has been working as a mother since 2009.
- Jorinde Dröse Regie
- Julia Hansen Bühne & Kostüme
- Jörg Kleemann Musik
- Mario Seeger Licht
- Karolin Trachte Dramaturgie