
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für alle Vorstellungen im März startet am 4. Februar. Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

657 results

  • Gittersee

    "How are things with Paul?" Marie asks. "Fine", says Karin. But that isn't true. Paul has disappeared. Wickwalz calls it "Fleeing from the Republic" and he happens to drop by more frequently now. He is nice and he asks Karin about things.

  • Pick me Girls

    "I'm not like other women", is what a pick-me-girl would typically say. And it is a thought that most women have probably had at some point.

  • Einblicke: Workshop zu "Pick me Girls"

  • Saint Joan of the Stockyards (Die Heilige Johanna der Schlachthöfe)

    Chicago 1930: the cattle market is controlled by Mauler, the "meat king", the factories are closed. Johanna Dark wants to help the hungry workers, she wants to know who’s to blame for their misery.

  • Always Carrey On

    "Always Carrey on" is based on the radical changes that the Hollywood actor Jim Carrey has made to his public persona in recent years.

  • Warten auf Godot

  • Holzfällen

    Thomas Bernhards Roman stellt einen Erzähler ins Zentrum, der aus der Distanz seines Ohrensessels eine "künstlerische Abendgesellschaft" in der Wiener Gentzgasse beobachtet und diese mit bösartiger Genauigkeit seziert.

  • RCE

    The world needs a reboot!  The five hackers in this play are in agreement about that. But how to startle the masses from their lethargy?