Always Carrey On

By Kaleb Erdmann
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den Mai bis einschließlich den 9. Juni beginnt am 3. April um 10 Uhr! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Currently no performances

"Always Carrey on" is based on the radical changes that the Hollywood actor Jim Carrey has made to his public persona in recent years. After dedicating his previous life to imitation, exaggeration and artificiality, according to statements he has made himself, now, in his middle age, he wants to break with this 'existing for others' and to get to the bottom of deep and honest truths. In this attempt, on the one hand he arrives at sharp insights into the brutal logic of life in the public eye – at the same time he increasingly often loses his way in crude, spiritual Self-invocations. On this fine line between an authentic search for meaning and a jarring, esoteric act, Carrey reveals himself to be the figure of the sad clown, who truly sees the world and despairs of it: How can a person preserve their own humanity when faced with a world prone to crisis? And what does it actually mean to be a human?        
After "Die Kameliendame oder: Stirb schöner!", Malin Lamparter will direct her second piece as part of the WORX residence programme for young directors with the latest text by author Kaleb Erdmann at the Berliner Ensemble.

"Der kurzweilige Abend ist randvoll gefüllt mit Anspielungen auf alles, was man von Carrey kennt, von 'Ace Ventura' bis 'Bruce Almighty', während er zugleich mit nachgestellten Podcast-Folgen oder im Dialog der Carrey-Varianten seinen Wechsel ins Philosophische rekapituliert."Berliner Morgenpost


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