© JR/Berliner Ensemble

Der letzte Gast (The final guest)

By Árpád Schilling and Éva Zabezsinszkij
German translation by Anna Lengyel
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
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+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Currently no performances

In a taxi, Klara meets a mysterious stranger. She invites him into her garden. He stays indefinitely as a guest. Since he rarely speaks, they call him “Blue”, after the colour of his jacket. What is strange? Is Blue a stranger? Does Blue have to divest himself of all of his strangeness if he wants to stay in Klara’s garden? And who has the prerogative to decide what is right and wrong?

“Der letzte Gast (The final Guest)”, which Árpad Schilling wrote with Éva Zabezsinszkij for Berliner Ensemble – and specifically for the theatre’s actors – is a play that revolves around the central questions of how strangeness defines and expresses itself and how we as a society deal with the strange.

The Hungarian author and director Árpád Schilling, winner of the Stanislavsky Prize and Premio Europa, is the founder of the legendary independent theatre Krétakör and his works have been presented at theatres like Bayerische Staatsoper in Munich and the Vienna Burgtheater. He has been declared an enemy of the state by the Hungarian government. Since the beginning of this season, the artist and his family live in Paris.

Einblicke: Interview über "Der letzte Gast"


"Wie Judith Engel und Corinna Kirchhoff in den Anfangsdialogen eine Normalität suggerieren, in der ihre destruktive Seite in kleinen Details schon mit anklingt, ist eine ganz eigene Klasse."Nachtkritik

"Kalt lässt einen dieses Spiel nicht, in den Ausbrüchen schimmert ein alltäglicher Egoismus durch, eine diffuse Unzufriedenheit derjenigen, die Wohlstand erreicht haben und der Zorn derer, die am Scheitern sind."Nachtkritik

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