BE_Nichts von mir

Nichts von mir (Nothing of Me)

by Arne Lygre
Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Currently no performances

"Nothing of me" deals with love in all its illusion and reality and reveals the power and impotence of language. One life is fanned out over seven different layers of time, is unfolded to the greatest extent and, at the same time, reduced to the fundamental questions: Why do we live, and for how long? How much can we bear, and for what purpose? Arne Lygre is one of several contemporary playwrights whose work will be presented to the German theatre audience for the first time at Berliner Ensemble. His plays have been translated into several languages and staged in many European countries. This is the first time that a production by award-winning director Mateja Koležnik, one of the most important contemporary theatre makers in Slovenia, is presented in Berlin. 

Einander zu kennen ist nicht das Wichtigste. Arne Lygre


“A great evening of and for women.”taz

“A delicately wrought, atmospherically concentrated production.”Süddeutsche Zeitung


With the kind support of the

With the kind support of