Since autumn 2022 the Berliner Ensemble has been offering young directors the oppurtunity at a residency through their international WORX program. Each season, two directors are selected by a jury to work as Artists in Residence for a year. During this period the artists are provided with a safe space and given the thematic and implementary freedom to use the Werkraum in order to realise two productions, each. The season is accompanied by complementary events and discourse formats.
The selection process for the 4th year of the WORX 2025/26 international residency program has been completed. The new call for applications for WORX 2026/2027 will start in summer 2025.
This season we are pleased to work with Malin Lamparter and Lucia Wunsch.
Third Year Residents: Malin Lamparter and Lucia Wunsch
Malin Lamparter studied Directing at the "HfMDK" in Frankfurt am Main and already has realized a couple of different productions, not only in classic stage settings. Despite some more performative works, her focus is based on stories and working on texts.
Lucia Wunsch graduated at the "HfMT" Hamburg, in German Literature and Gender Studies, as well as Direction. In Lucias theatre work Lucia often analyses classic texts in the face of surreal elements and the potential of fragmentary storytelling.
WORX Premieres 2023/24
The Lady of the Camellias or: die prettier!
(Die Kameliendame oder: Stirb schöner!)
Based on Alexandre Dumas
Directed by: Malin Lamparter
Premiere: 16. October 2024
The lying prince
(Der Lügenprinz)
By Hannah Zufall based on Henrik Ibsens "Peer Gynt"
Directed by: Lucia Wunsch
World premiere: 18. December 2024
Always Carrey On
By Kaleb Erdmann
Directed by: Malin Lamparter
World premiere: 22. February 2025
Stella – A Play for Lovers
Based on Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Directed by: Lucia Wunsch
Premiere: 30. April 2025
Management: Daniel Grünauer, Clara Topic-Matutin
Jury 24/25: Uršulė Barto, Daniel Grünauer, Anita Augustin Huber, Theda Nilsson-Eicke, Clara Topic-Matutin (Vorsitz).
Production: Kathinka Schroeder
Call for application 25/26: Completed
WORX-Design Season 24/25 © Ivo Hänisch
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Past WORX Productions
Im zweiten Jahr von WORX kuratierten der norwegische Regisseur Heiki Riipinen und der iranische Regisseur Alireza Daryanavard das Programm im Werkraum zwischen Aktivismus und Performance. Die vier Inszenierungen beschäftigten sich mit Machtstrukturen, Queerness und aktivistischen Bewegungen von Iran bis zum deutschen Grundgesetz.
Zur Übersicht der Inszenierungen des zweiten WORX-Jahrgangs...
Die ersten beiden Regisseur:innen von WORX waren die litauische Regisseurin Uršulė Barto und die Österreicherin Fritzi Wartenberg. Von einer unabhängigen Jury wurden sie aus über 120 Bewerber:innen ausgewählt. Beide verbindet der klare feministische Blick auf die Strukturen und Mechanismen der Welt – und des Theaters.
Zur Übersicht der Inszenierungen des ersten WORX-Jahrgangs...