Second Year Residents: Heiki Riipinen and Alireza Dryanavard
The current WORX season opened with Norwegian director HEIKI RIIPINEN’s "Insomnia", in which he invited the audience to a six hour long journey through the night. Iranian director ALIREZA DARYANAVARD, together with co-author Mahsa Ghafari and the ensemble, explored in "Chronicle of the Revolution" the 100-year history of resistance in Iran, researching and making use of interviews and contemporary sources.
For the second half of the season audiences can look forward to another production from each of the directors. With this year‘s Widerstandsbühne (Resistance Stage) series a discourse format is added to the program. At the end of the season a showing will present this year’s artists‘ work.
At the start oft he season both artists introduced themselves during the WORX-Eröffnungswochenende and gave first insights into their thematic undertakings and creative processes. Here you can find a recording of the event.
WORX-Premieres 2023/24
by Sonja Ferdinand and Ensemble
Directed by: Heiki Riipinen
world premiere: 6. Oktober 2023
Chronik der Revolution
by Alireza Daryanavard and Mahsa Ghafari
Directed by: Alireza Daryanavard
world premiere: 3. Dezember 2023
by Henrik Ibsen
Directed by: Heiki Riipinen
premiere: 8.3.2024
by Damon K. Taleghani
Directed by: Alireza Daryanavard
world premiere: 4.5.2024
Management: Daniel Grünauer, Clara Topic-Matutin
Jury 23/24: Anita Augustin Huber, Theda Nilsson-Eicke, Clara Topic-Matutin (Vorsitz), Karolin Trachte
Production: Kathinka Schroeder
Call for application 25/26: September 2024
Contact: worx@berliner-ensemble.de
WORX-Design Spielzeit 23/24 © JALZ
Third Year 2024/2025
For the third year in a row, Berliner Ensemble hosts WORX, an international residency programme for young directors. Two directors selected by a jury will be working at the theatre for one season and will have the opportunity to create two productions each at Werkraum. The productions will be accompanied by events and discourse formats. In the 2024/25 season, we are looking forward to presenting works by Malin Lamparter and Lucia Wunsch.
MALIN LAMPARTER studied directing at HfMDK Frankfurt/Main and has already created several productions in and away from classic stage situations. Despite several outings into performance, her focus is on stories and text work. LUCIA WUNSCH studied German literature and gender studies in Constance and theatre directing at HfMT Hamburg. Her theatre work often leads her to old texts that she examines for surrealist elements and the potential for fragmentary narration.
Digitales Magazin
Vergangene Jahrgänge
Die ersten beiden Regisseur:innen von WORX waren die litauische Regisseurin Uršulė Barto und die Österreicherin Fritzi Wartenberg. Von einer unabhängigen Jury wurden sie aus über 120 Bewerber:innen ausgewählt. Beide verbindet der klare feministische Blick auf die Strukturen und Mechanismen der Welt – und des Theaters.