Bettina Hoppe

Bettina Hoppe trained as an actor at Berlin’s Hochschule der Künste. First acting engagements took her to Deutsches Theater Berlin and Maxim Gorki Theater. She was a member of the acting company of Berlin’s Schaubühne between 2006 and 2009 and of Schauspiel Frankfurt from 2009 to 2014. For her portrayal of Cäcilie in Goethe’s “Stella”, she received the award for best actor at the 2011 Hessische Theatertage and was nominated for the theatre award “Der Faust”. She has been a member of Berliner Ensemble since 2017/18.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Latest productions

Medea by Euripides

as Chor der korinthischen Frauen

Panikherz by Benjamin von Stuckrad-Barre

Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Bertolt Brecht (Book) and Kurt Weill (Music) in collaboration with Elisabeth Hauptmann

as Spelunken-Jenny and Tiger-Brown

Ellen Babić By Marius von Mayenburg

as Astrid

Liliom By Ferenc Molnár

as Frau Muskat

Faustus :: 1550 San Remo Drive By RAUM+ZEIT based on motifs from Thomas Mann

The Scattered (Die Verstreuten) By Tena Štivičić

as Suzana

Past productions

Die Frau, die gegen Türen rannte (The Woman who walked into Doors) by Roddy Doyle as Paula Spencer

Eine Familie (August: Osage County) by Tracy Letts as Ivy Weston

Eine Frau - Mary Page Marlowe by Tracy Letts as Mary Page Marlowe mit 40, 44, 50 Jahren

Phantom by Dieudonné Niangouna as Maria

Auf der Straße by Karen Breece


Der letzte Gast (The final guest) By Árpád Schilling and Éva Zabezsinszkij

Mütter und Söhne by Karen Breece

Katzelmacher by Rainer Werner Fassbinder as Elisabeth

Gott by Ferdinand von Schirach as Keller, Mitglied des Ethikrates

Schwarzwasser By Elfriede Jelinek


Brecht stirbt as Stimme von Elisabeth Hauptmann

Hexenjagd (The Crucible) German Translation by Hannelene Limpach and Dietrich Hilsdorf, Collaboration: Alexander F. Hoffmann as Elisabeth Proctor

Der Diener zweier Herren (The Servant of Two Masters) Based on Carlo Goldoni as Hank

[Blank] By Alice Birch

Jede:r Ist Jemand

Alle anderen Künste taugen auch als Konserve - das Theater aber ist weder Vergangenheit, noch Zukunft, sondern immer Gegenwart. Bettina Hoppe


Lili Epply

Maximilian Diehle

Gerrit Jansen

Amelie Willberg

Paul Herwig

Kathleen Morgeneyer

Joyce Sanhá

Pauline Knof

Max Gindorff

Max Gindorff

Nina Bruns