Gerrit Jansen

Gerrit Jansen was trained at the Max Reinhardt Seminar in Vienna. During his studies he was engaged by the Burgtheater Vienna and was a member of the ensemble until 2012. In 2009 he was awarded the Nestroy Theater Prize of the City of Vienna. A further engagement led him to the Schauspiel Köln from the 2013/14 season. He has worked with Klaus Maria Brandauer, Claus Peymann, Andrea Breth, Martin Wuttke, Stefan Bachmann and Robert Borgmann, among others. Since the 2017/18 season Gerrit Jansen has been part of the Berliner Ensemble.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Latest productions

Medea by Euripides

as Bote

Paris Gazette (Exil) by Lion Feuchtwanger

as Louis Gingold

Einsame Menschen Von Felicia Zeller nach Gerhart Hauptmann

as Gerhart

Woyzeck By Georg Büchner

as Marie

1984 By George Orwell, in an adaption by Luk Perceval

as Winston Smith

Noises off (Der nackte Wahnsinn) By Michael Frayn

as Regisseur

Theater ist Theater ist Theater. Gerrit Jansen

Past productions

Nichts von mir (Nothing of Me) by Arne Lygre

War (Krieg) by Rainald Goetz

Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Bertolt Brecht/Kurt Weill as Ede

Kriegsbeute (The Spoils of War) by Burhan Qurbani and Martin Behnke as Johannes Bloch

The possibility of an island by Michel Houellebecq

Glaube und Heimat by Karl Schönherr as Unteregger, Schwager der Rottin

Katzelmacher by Rainer Werner Fassbinder as Erich

Gott by Ferdinand von Schirach as Vorsitzender des Ethikrates



Hexenjagd (The Crucible) German Translation by Hannelene Limpach and Dietrich Hilsdorf, Collaboration: Alexander F. Hoffmann as John Hale

Der Weg zurück (The Regression) by Dennis Kelly

The Dance of Death (Totentanz) by August Strindberg as Kurt

Dirty Hands (Die schmutzigen Hände) By Jean-Paul Sartre as Der Prinz, Louis


Constanze Becker

Maximilian Diehle

Amelie Willberg

Kathleen Morgeneyer

Lili Epply

Paul Herwig

Pauline Knof

Martin Rentzsch

Oliver Kraushaar

Veit Schubert