Constanze Becker

Constanze Becker studied at the "Ernst Busch" Academy of Dramatic Arts. She performed in Leipzig, Düsseldorf and at the Deutsches Theater Berlin and worked with Jürgen Gosch, Michael Thalheimer and Karin Henkel, among others. In 2008 she was voted "Actress of the Year" by "Theater heute". Since 2009 she is a member of the ensemble at Schauspiel Frankfurt. Here she played among others in "Medea" and "Penthesilea" by Michael Thalheimer. For her performance in "Medea" she received the Gertrud-Eysoldt-Ring and the German Theater Prize "Der Faust". Since the 2017/18 season Constanze Becker has been part of the Berliner Ensemble.

Bertolt-Brecht-Platz 1
10117 Berlin
Contact & Access


+49 30 284 08 155

Der reguläre Vorverkauf für den April bis einschließlich 6. Mai läuft! Unsere Theaterkasse hat montags bis samstags von 10.00 Uhr bis 18.30 Uhr für Sie geöffnet.

Latest productions

Medea by Euripides

as Medea

Felix Krull based on Thomas Mann

Drei Mal Leben (Life x 3) by Yasmina Reza

as Sonja

Die Dreigroschenoper (The Threepenny Opera) by Bertolt Brecht (Book) and Kurt Weill (Music) in collaboration with Elisabeth Hauptmann

as Celia Peachum

Paris Gazette (Exil) by Lion Feuchtwanger

as Lea de Chassefiere

Phädra, in Flammen By Nino Haratischwili

as Phädra

Mutti, was machst Du da? by Axel Ranisch and Paul Zacher

as Elke Hartwichsen, seine Mutter

Malina By Ingeborg Bachmann

Noises off (Der nackte Wahnsinn) By Michael Frayn

as Flavia Brent

The Prince of the Lie (Der Lügenprinz) Based on Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt"

The Scattered (Die Verstreuten) By Tena Štivičić

as Sofia

Past productions

Eine Familie (August: Osage County) by Tracy Letts as Barbara Fordham

Penthesilea by Heinrich von Kleist as Penthesilea

Caligula by Albert Camus as Caligula

Die letzte Station by Ersan Mondtag

War (Krieg) by Rainald Goetz

Eine griechische Trilogie By Simon Stone

Macbeth by Heiner Müller based on William Shakespeare as Lady Macbeth

MAX AND MORITZ By Wilhelm Busch

The possibility of an island by Michel Houellebecq



Brecht stirbt as Stimme von Helene Weigel


Der Diener zweier Herren (The Servant of Two Masters) Based on Carlo Goldoni as Kayden March, Jolene March, Brody Bandson

Neue Ungehaltene Reden Ungehaltener Frauen Mit Texten von Angelika Angst, Selma Matter, Miriam Miedler, Hannah Perleth, Marie-Alice Schultz sowie von Christine Brückner

Rot By Clemens J. Setz as Seine Mutter

Ivanov (Iwanow) based on Anton Tschechow as Sarah (Sarah/Anna)

Big Brecht

CORRECTIV enthüllt: Rechtsextremer Geheimplan gegen Deutschland

Momente auf der Bühne, wo Spiel und Realität verschwimmen und auch das Publikum Teil davon ist, sind sehr selten und ganz kostbar. Constanze Becker


Nina Bruns

Peter Moltzen

Kathrin Wehlisch

Corinna Kirchhoff

Joyce Sanhá

Amelie Willberg

Veit Schubert

Jannik Mühlenweg

Kathleen Morgeneyer

Martin Rentzsch